Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta
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Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta

Released Dec 16, 2023
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Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta

2023 Comedy Special

Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta is a 2023 stand-up comedy special by Indian comedian . It was released on . This special released on Dec 16, 2023 and is to watch.

Aakash Gupta

Aakash Gupta

About Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta

🎭 "Angry Young Man" by Aakash Gupta: A Riveting Comedy Special

The Essence of the Show

"Angry Young Man" marks a significant milestone for Aakash Gupta, one of India's well-known stand-up comedians. This hour-long digital comedy special is a fusion of observational humor, personal anecdotes, and Aakash's signature energetic act-outs. The show streamed digitally from December 16th to January 1st, offering viewers an opportunity to experience Gupta's unique comedy style.

Storytelling with a Personal Touch

Gupta's narrative in "Angry Young Man" revolves around his travels across Europe, where he encounters cultural, linguistic, and lifestyle differences. These experiences provide a relatable backdrop, especially for Indian audiences familiar with European travel. Aakash uses these experiences to highlight the humor in everyday situations, like the challenges of ordering a warm baguette in Paris due to language barriers.

A Blend of Humor and Culture

The special showcases Gupta's ability to capture the essence of Delhi's culture and its affinity for dark humor. He touches upon the city's characteristic bravado and fearlessness in the face of adversity, adding an element of local flavor to his storytelling. This cultural perspective adds depth to his humor, making it more than just a series of jokes.

Physical Comedy and Energetic Performances

Aakash Gupta stands out for his physical comedy and the use of his entire body to enhance his storytelling. This aspect of his performance, a rarity among Indian comedians, adds a dynamic layer to his act, engaging the audience beyond just the verbal punchlines.

Critical Reception

The show has been well-received, with reviewers praising Gupta's comedic skills and his ability to weave a narrative that's both funny and relatable. His take on cultural nuances, language barriers, and everyday life resonates with a wide audience.


"Angry Young Man" is a testament to Aakash Gupta's growing prowess as a comedian. It's a show that not only entertains but also offers a glimpse into different cultures through the lens of humor. Gupta's storytelling, combined with his energetic stage presence, makes this special a memorable experience for comedy enthusiasts.

Where to watch Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta?

Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta

Angry Young Man by Aakash Gupta is a show produced by and is now streaming on . This show is on now and is to watch.

Release Date
Dec 16, 2023
