Rajasekhar Mamidanna

Rajasekhar Mamidanna

40 (Born 1984)
Years Active2009 - present

Rajasekhar Mamidanna

Rajasekhar Mamidanna is a 40 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2009. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Rajasekhar Mamidanna is currently single.

Rajasekhar Mamidanna's Standup Comedy Videos

About Rajasekhar Mamidanna

RajaSekhar Mamidanna, also known as RSM, is a multifaceted artist who has made a name for himself in the world of stand-up comedy. With over 200 shows under his belt over the past four years, RSM is a seasoned performer who has entertained audiences all over India.

In addition to his work as a stand-up comedian, RSM is also a talented writer and improv artist. He is one of the founding members of The YesHoles, a highly regarded improv troupe based in Hyderabad.

Despite his success in comedy, RSM has a background in more traditional fields. He holds a B. Tech degree in Computer Science and an MBA in Marketing, and he often incorporates these experiences into his comedy routines. RSM has been featured on NDTV’s Rising Stars of Comedy and has his own show, Crazy News, on Hyderabad’s 10TV.

Recently, RSM received a standing ovation for his comedic twist on the Ramayana, entitled The Legend of Ram. This performance showcases RSM’s versatility as an artist and his ability to find humor in even the most sacred of stories.

RajaSekhar Mamidanna is a talented stand-up comedian, writer, and improv artist who has made a name for himself in the industry. His diverse background and multifaceted skills make him a standout performer, and it’s clear that he has a bright future ahead of him.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Rajasekhar Mamidanna?

Rajasekhar Mamidanna is a 40 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Hyderabad.

Is Rajasekhar Mamidanna single?

Yes, Rajasekhar Mamidanna is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Rajasekhar Mamidanna?

As of Jun 2024, Rajasekhar Mamidanna is 40 years old.

Who is Rajasekhar Mamidanna's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Rajasekhar Mamidanna is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Rajasekhar Mamidanna's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Rajasekhar Mamidanna is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Rajasekhar Mamidanna originally from??

Rajasekhar Mamidanna is originally from Hyderabad but does his stand up shows all over India.