Brij Bhakta

Brij Bhakta

49 (Born 1975)
Years Active2005 - present
Collective SnG Comedy (2015-2019)

Brij Bhakta

Brij Bhakta is a 49 year old, Indian , , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2005. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Brij Bhakta is currently married.

Brij Bhakta's Standup Comedy Videos

About Brij Bhakta

Brij Bhakta is a talented actor and writer who has been involved in the comedy industry for over a decade and a half. With roots in both India and the United States, Bhakta has always been on a quest to find his purpose in life. He has trained at some of the most prestigious comedy institutions, including Second City and ImprovOlympic, and has worked hard to convince his parents that he has made the right choices in his career.

In recent years, Bhakta has gained recognition for hosting the travel show “The Freaky Traveler” on Fox Traveler/National Geographic. He is known for his wanderings on the streets of Andheri, where he has a keen eye for finding good deals on various items. Bhakta’s Gujarati heritage also plays a role in this talent, as he is always on the lookout for ways to get the most value for his money. Overall, Bhakta is a unique and multifaceted performer who brings a fresh perspective to the world of comedy.

Comedy shows by Brij Bhakta

As of 28 Jun, 2024, Brij Bhakta has a total of 1 show out.

SnG: Don’t Come Last

amazon OTT platform icon SnG: Don’t Come Last

SnG Comedy’s brand new game show DON’T COME LAST is now live on Amazon Prime Video. The game ... Read more

Apr 14, 2017


Brij Bhakta as an Actor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Brij Bhakta?

Brij Bhakta is a 49 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Chicago.

Is Brij Bhakta single?

No, Brij Bhakta is currently in a relationship with . As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Brij Bhakta?

As of Jun 2024, Brij Bhakta is 49 years old.

Who is Brij Bhakta's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Brij Bhakta is currently married to .

Who is Brij Bhakta's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Brij Bhakta is currently married to .

Where is Brij Bhakta originally from??

Brij Bhakta is originally from Chicago but does his stand up shows all over India.