Akash Gaurav Singh

Akash Gaurav Singh

34 (Born 1990)
Years Active2020 - present

Akash Gaurav Singh

Akash Gaurav Singh is a 34 year old, Indian , based out of , . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2020. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Akash Gaurav Singh is currently single.

Akash Gaurav Singh's Standup Comedy Videos

About Akash Gaurav Singh

As they say, an IAS officer comes from every third house in Bihar, well, if that’s true then Akash certainly never lived in a house that’s a multiple of 3, but he is doing a better incorruptible service nonetheless, yes, he is making people laugh with his jokes. Akash has his own unique comic timing & style which comes with a slight fun flavour of Bihari accent and anecdotes of his attempts to gel into the so called cool, urban, high class society. True to his roots, Akash’s jokes will make you appreciate the simplicity & authenticity of our humble existence. Akash Gaurav Singh is an IT employee with a keen interest in artistic field. With a vision to be an entertainer, Akash aspires to amuse people and make them laugh with his personal anecdotes and personal stories. Having an extensive experience of 8+ years in IT and 4+ years in standup comedy, Akash strives hard to leave no stone unturned when it comes to engage with his audience and spread a smile across.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Akash Gaurav Singh?

Akash Gaurav Singh is a 34 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Pune.

Is Akash Gaurav Singh single?

Yes, Akash Gaurav Singh is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Akash Gaurav Singh?

As of Jun 2024, Akash Gaurav Singh is 34 years old.

Who is Akash Gaurav Singh's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Akash Gaurav Singh is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Akash Gaurav Singh's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Akash Gaurav Singh is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Akash Gaurav Singh originally from??

Akash Gaurav Singh is originally from Pune but does his stand up shows all over India.