The Otherside
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The Otherside

Released Nov 15, 2019
Platform youtube OTT platform icon
youtube OTT platform icon

The Otherside

Out Now

The Otherside is a show produced by and is now streaming on . This show is on now and is to watch.

About The Otherside

‘The Otherside’ is an informal talk show from the point of view (P.O.V.) of the host: Karan. The series features a range of wonderful artists where they talk about various things such as comedy, life, books & what lies ahead. Our intention behind creating this show is to bring across another side of the artists’ personality. Their funny, witty & comical side, is already known to the viewers, but with ‘The Otherside’ the idea is to get a little more personal, a little more insightful.

In times when all content is slickly produced, we are trying to risk the format and go all guerrilla with this series, with the only hope that you get to know your artist better & also with the belief in the popular phrase: ‘Content is King’.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank to all artists who agreed to be a part of this experimental format!

Where to watch The Otherside?

The Otherside

The Otherside is a show produced by and is now streaming on . This show is on now and is to watch.

Release Date
Nov 15, 2019

