Tarang Hardikar

Tarang Hardikar

28 (Born 1996)
Years Active2017 - present

Tarang Hardikar

Tarang Hardikar is a 28 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2017. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Tarang Hardikar is currently single.

Tarang Hardikar's Standup Comedy Videos

About Tarang Hardikar

Tarang Hardikar, a rising star in the Mumbai-Pune comedy circuit, has quickly made a name for himself with his clean observational comedy routines. With a unique delivery style, he brings even the most mundane topics to life, leaving audiences in stitches. An animator at SND Media and an aspiring game designer, Hardikar's creativity extends beyond the stage. His stand-up comedy set "Chess" is a testament to his love for the game and his ability to find humor in unexpected places.

๐ŸŽญ Comedy Style and Approach

Unique Delivery and Observational Comedy

Tarang's comedy is described as weird, absurd, unique, and engaging. His restless on-stage gesturing and distinctive delivery have set him apart as one of the scene's most promising young voices.

"Weird, absurd, unique and heh?" – DeadAnt

Clean and Relatable Content

Focusing on clean observational comedy, Tarang has the ability to bring even the most boring topics to life. His material is accessible and resonates with a wide audience.

๐ŸŽฎ Beyond Comedy: Game Design and Animation

Animator at SND Media

Tarang's creativity is not limited to comedy. He works as an animator at SND Media and has a passion for game design.

Aspiring Game Designer

He often participates in design contests and draws inspiration for his game designs. His first game, "Cadence," is a cycle racing micro-strategy game set to be kickstarted soon.

๐ŸŽฒ "Chess": A Stand-Up Comedy Set

A Tribute to Chess Lovers

"Chess" is a stand-up comedy set that Tarang has been performing for many years. A tribute to chess lovers, this set reflects his deep affection for the game.

"Next week! I am putting out my first standup video on Youtube. Itโ€™s a set about chess. I have been doing this set for five years now, and after consulting with my therapist I have finally decided to let it go and move on." – DeadAnt

YouTube Debut

Tarang is all set to make his YouTube debut with a set about chess. After performing this set for five years, he has finally decided to release it, sharing his love for chess with a broader audience.

๐ŸŒŸ Journey and Achievements

Six Years in Stand-Up

Over the six years he's been doing stand-up, Tarang has become a regular on the Mumbai circuit. He's been working to perfect his solo debut "Line Is Not A Line."

An Hour of Material

Tarang has an hour of material that he has performed as a solo four times. Every performance brings immense satisfaction, as it feels like a culmination of his individual bits.

"I have exactly an hour of material. I have done this hour as a solo four times till now. Every time I do it, itโ€™s the most satisfying feeling in the world because it feels like everything you have wanted to say through your individual bits is finally coming together." – DeadAnt

Influences and Inspirations

Tarang's favorite comedians include Kanan Gill, James Acaster, and Biswa. He's inspired by their creativity, presence on stage, and innovative joke structures.

๐Ÿš€ Future Goals and Aspirations

First Comedy Special

Tarang's goal with his first comedy special is simple: to convey why he thinks the way he thinks. He wants to explore and share his unique perspective with the world.

"The goal is very simple. I want to tell [people] why I think the way I think. All my bits tend to take a certain path of me questioning very basic concepts. I want to get to the bottom of why I do that and convey that to the world. Hence the title: Line Is Not A Line." – DeadAnt

Continuing to Innovate

With a reputation for clean observational comedy and a passion for game design, Tarang Hardikar is a multifaceted talent. His upcoming YouTube debut and continued exploration of comedy promise a bright future for this critically acclaimed comic of the Mumbai-Pune comedy circuit.

Tarang Hardikar's blend of comedy, animation, and game design showcases a creative mind that thrives on innovation and connection. Whether he's making audiences laugh with his stand-up routines or designing engaging games, Hardikar's talent and passion shine through. His upcoming YouTube debut and continued growth in the comedy scene make him a name to watch in the world of entertainment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Tarang Hardikar?

Tarang Hardikar is a 28 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Pune.

Is Tarang Hardikar single?

Yes, Tarang Hardikar is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Tarang Hardikar?

As of Jun 2024, Tarang Hardikar is 28 years old.

Who is Tarang Hardikar's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Tarang Hardikar is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Tarang Hardikar's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Tarang Hardikar is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Tarang Hardikar originally from??

Tarang Hardikar is originally from Pune but does his stand up shows all over India.