Sandesh Johnny

Sandesh Johnny

36 (Born 1988)
Years Active2016 - present

Sandesh Johnny

Sandesh Johnny is a 36 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2016. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Sandesh Johnny is currently single.

Sandesh Johnny's Standup Comedy Videos

About Sandesh Johnny

Sandesh Johnny is a stand-up comedian who is known for his unique style of comedy, which blends together observational and surreal elements. He got into the stand-up comedy scene recently and has quickly gained a reputation for his performances. Despite his success in the comedy world, Sandesh still holds a day job as an employee at Amazon. He hails from Hyderabad, where he spent his childhood in Manali with his father, a pastor who ran a church. After moving to Hyderabad for higher education, Sandesh developed a love for comedy and eventually decided to pursue stand-up as a career. He is known for his distinctive voice, which has been described as both comical and disconcerting.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Sandesh Johnny?

Sandesh Johnny is a 36 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Hyderabad.

Is Sandesh Johnny single?

Yes, Sandesh Johnny is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Sandesh Johnny?

As of Jun 2024, Sandesh Johnny is 36 years old.

Who is Sandesh Johnny's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Sandesh Johnny is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Sandesh Johnny's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Sandesh Johnny is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Sandesh Johnny originally from??

Sandesh Johnny is originally from Hyderabad but does his stand up shows all over India.