Rajat Chauhan

Rajat Chauhan

30 (Born 1994)
PartnerAkanksha Sharma ()
Years Active2017 - present
Genre, ,

Rajat Chauhan

Rajat Chauhan is a 30 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2017. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly , , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Rajat Chauhan is currently married to Akanksha Sharma.

Rajat Chauhan's Standup Comedy Videos

Comedy Specials by Rajat Chauhan

As of 28 Jun, 2024, Rajat Chauhan has a total of 1 special out.

Rajat Chauhan – My Crush Stories

youtube OTT platform icon Rajat Chauhan – My Crush Stories


Rajat Chauhan presents his stand-up comedy special, in which he takes the audience on a journey through his ... Read more

Dec 1, 2022

About Rajat Chauhan

Rajat Chauhan is a stand-up comedian from India who found his passion for comedy after struggling to find a job in the aviation industry and working as an analyst in a research firm. His colleagues appreciated his ability to make everyone laugh, even in stressful situations. In 2013, he moved to Mumbai to pursue a career in stand-up comedy, but initially struggled to make people laugh. After a few failed open mics, he even took a break from stand-up for a couple of months. In 2015, he returned to Delhi and began working as a Project Head at the Hansa Research Group, where he also started performing at open mics after office hours. In 2017, he left his corporate job to become a professional stand-up comedian, performing at corporate shows, marriage functions, and even kitty parties.

In 2019, Chauhan wrote a comedy special titled “Bachpan” and performed it all over India to packed audiences. He gained widespread fame in 2018 after his YouTube video “Ola Share ka Suffer” went viral, leading to a significant increase in subscribers on his YouTube channel. Chauhan describes himself as a “storyteller” and an “attention seeker,” and his content is often based on his observations of the mundane lives of people.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Rajat Chauhan?

Rajat Chauhan is a 30 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Delhi.

Is Rajat Chauhan single?

No, Rajat Chauhan is currently in a relationship with Akanksha Sharma. As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Rajat Chauhan?

As of Jun 2024, Rajat Chauhan is 30 years old.

Who is Rajat Chauhan's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Rajat Chauhan is currently married to Akanksha Sharma.

Who is Rajat Chauhan's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Rajat Chauhan is currently married to Akanksha Sharma.

Where is Rajat Chauhan originally from??

Rajat Chauhan is originally from Delhi but does his stand up shows all over India.