Piyush Sharma

Piyush Sharma

34 (Born 1990)
Years Active2016 - present

Piyush Sharma

Piyush Sharma is a 34 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2016. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Piyush Sharma is currently single.

Piyush Sharma's Standup Comedy Videos

About Piyush Sharma

Piyush Sharma is a civil engineer who graduated from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. However, upon graduation, he discovered that he was more interested in constructing jokes than actual bridges. As a result, he decided to pursue a career in stand-up comedy, where he has gained a reputation for his sharp wit and willingness to tackle any subject.

On stage, Piyush is known for his irreverent and humorous take on life, which often includes jokes about small town life, the hilarious dynamics between parents, teachers, and kids, and other relatable topics. Despite his background in civil engineering, there is nothing “civil” about Piyush’s comedic style, as he spares no one in his quest to make his audience laugh. Overall, Piyush is a talented comedian who has found his true calling in life, using his sense of humor to bring joy to others and to find fulfillment in his work.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Piyush Sharma?

Piyush Sharma is a 34 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Mumbai.

Is Piyush Sharma single?

Yes, Piyush Sharma is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Piyush Sharma?

As of Jun 2024, Piyush Sharma is 34 years old.

Who is Piyush Sharma's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Piyush Sharma is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Piyush Sharma's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Piyush Sharma is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Piyush Sharma originally from??

Piyush Sharma is originally from Mumbai but does his stand up shows all over India.