Pavitra Shetty

Pavitra Shetty

35 (Born 1989)
Years Active2018 - present

Pavitra Shetty

Pavitra Shetty is a 35 year old, Indian , based out of . She has been active in the comedy scene since 2018. She does her comedy mostly in and her jokes are broadly , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Pavitra Shetty is currently single.

Pavitra Shetty's Standup Comedy Videos

About Pavitra Shetty

Pavitra is a rising standup comedian who has appeared on One Mic Stand (2019), Comicstaan (2022), and Amazon Funnies – 10 Minute Stand-ups (2020). Along with being an undiscovered singer, Pavitra is also a member of a comedic tag-team called The Sidechicks, which offers a humorous perspective on what girls with unlimited WiFi access can do. Pavitra finds inspiration for her standup in her mother, random aunts who visit her frequently, and her own weighing scale. She has been featured multiple times on television and radio, and is a part of the popular Chalta Hai shows Dame Funny and Undateable. Pavitra also has a large number of best friends who prompted her to update her bio. Pavitra has OCD and has certain rituals related to it, like writing on her hand and reviewing her set at least once before performing on stage to boost her confidence. Pavitra’s first standup set was based on the concept of “What if Sex and the City (SATC) was made in India?”, which received laughs throughout and featured references to Indian sitcoms and characters like Ram Kapoor and Shobha De. Pavitra is still searching for her unique comedy voice.

Comedy Reality Shows featuring Pavitra Shetty


Pavitra Shetty as an Actor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Pavitra Shetty?

Pavitra Shetty is a 35 year old, Female Indian Stand up Comedian based in Mumbai.

Is Pavitra Shetty single?

Yes, Pavitra Shetty is currently not married or dating anyone.

How old is Pavitra Shetty?

As of Jun 2024, Pavitra Shetty is 35 years old.

Who is Pavitra Shetty's husband?

As of Jun 2024, Pavitra Shetty is currently not married or dating anyone.

Who is Pavitra Shetty's boyfriend?

As of Jun 2024, Pavitra Shetty is currently not married or dating anyone.

Where is Pavitra Shetty originally from??

Pavitra Shetty is originally from Mumbai but does her stand up shows all over India.