Manish Tyagi

Manish Tyagi

58 (Born 1966)
Years Active2014 - present

Manish Tyagi

Manish Tyagi is a 58 year old, Indian , , , , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2014. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Manish Tyagi is currently married.

Manish Tyagi's Standup Comedy Videos

About Manish Tyagi

Manish Tyagi, also known as Knotty Commander, is a stand-up comedian hailing from Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. With a background in engineering and a 23-year stint in the Indian Navy, Tyagi’s journey from a Commander to a comedian is nothing short of inspiring. He has also served as the Business Head for Cummins India, marketing marine engines and gen-sets across the country.

“I am 52, and an Engineer by education and profession. I have served in the Indian Navy for 23 long years. I quit the Indian Navy in May 2012 as a Commander and got into Corporate Training since I wanted to pursue my dream – to train people and impart experiential learning.” –

🎀 Comedy Career

  • Beginning: Tyagi’s journey into comedy began in 2014, inspired by a close friend and his daughter.
  • Style: High on energy, Tyagi’s content stems from relatable personal experiences, often roasting the audience.
  • Inspiration: His daughter, who believed he could make anyone laugh, was his true inspiration.

“During this period post Navy, one of my very close friends from Mumbai told me about a new art form known as Stand-up Comedy and suggested that I should give it a try. It took some time to figure out where it happens in Delhi but I finally landed on stage for the very first time in August 2014.”

🌟 Achievements and Performances

  • TEDx Conclaves: Spoken at four TEDx events.
  • Josh Talks: Featured, sharing his journey from the Navy to comedy.
  • Performances: Performed in multiple cities, engaging with colleges and various platforms.

🎭 Comedy Scene in India

  • State of Stand-up Comedy: Growing awareness, even in Tier 2 cities.
  • Dealing with Hecklers: Tyagi compares heckling to facing bouncers in cricket, learning to handle them with experience.
  • Advice to Aspiring Comedians: Be original, patient, and passionate.

“We are a nation of 1.3 billion people and growing by the second. The awareness for Standup Comedy is also growing fast, thanks to the internet and unlimited band widths. It’s nice to see that even Tier 2 cities are hosting stand up shows and audience coming in large numbers.”

πŸ“Ί Performances and Shows

Tyagi has performed in various cities across India and has been a part of several comedy festivals. His unique style and engaging content have made him a favorite among audiences.

  • Comedy Clubs: Regular performances at comedy clubs.
  • Corporate Shows: Engaging corporate audiences with tailored content.
  • Colleges: Regular appearances at college festivals and events.

πŸ“š Life Before Comedy

Before venturing into comedy, Tyagi had a distinguished career in the Indian Navy and the corporate world.

  • Indian Navy: Served for 23 years, retiring as a Commander.
  • Corporate Training: Transitioned to corporate training, sharing his life experiences.
  • Business Head: Served as the Business Head for Cummins India.

“I have served in the Indian Navy for 23 long years. I quit the Indian Navy in May 2012 as a Commander and got into Corporate Training since I wanted to pursue my dream – to train people and impart experiential learning.”

🎯 Ultimate Goal

Tyagi’s ultimate goal is to inspire others. He believes that if he can reach even one person with his message, his mission is complete.

  • Inspiration: Drawing from life experiences to inspire others.
  • Connection: Building connections through humor and storytelling.
  • Impact: Making a positive impact on people’s lives.

“My ultimate goal is to inspire others and feels that his mission is complete if he can reach even one person with his message.”

πŸ’Œ Message to the Readers

“Life is too short. Be yourself, stay happy. As it is, India is 140th in the happiness index of the world. So let’s be tolerant and learn to laugh at ourselves, along with others.”

Manish Tyagi’s story is a testament to following one’s passion and finding joy in connecting with others through humor. His experiences in the Navy, corporate world, and on the comedy stage have shaped him into a versatile and engaging performer, inspiring others to pursue their dreams.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Manish Tyagi?

Manish Tyagi is a 58 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Delhi.

Is Manish Tyagi single?

No, Manish Tyagi is currently in a relationship with . As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Manish Tyagi?

As of Jun 2024, Manish Tyagi is 58 years old.

Who is Manish Tyagi's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Manish Tyagi is currently married to .

Who is Manish Tyagi's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Manish Tyagi is currently married to .

Where is Manish Tyagi originally from??

Manish Tyagi is originally from Delhi but does his stand up shows all over India.