Manan Desai

Manan Desai

37 (Born 1987)
PartnerVidya Manan Desai ()
Years Active2012 - present
Collective The Comedy Factory (Founder; 2012 - )

Manan Desai

Manan Desai is a 37 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2012. He does his comedy mostly in , and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Manan Desai is currently married to Vidya Manan Desai.

Manan Desai's Standup Comedy Videos

About Manan Desai

Manan Desai is a multi-talented Indian performer with a career that spans across acting, comedy, and radio. He co-founded The Comedy Factory, a popular YouTube channel that has helped to revolutionize the entertainment landscape in the Gujarat region. Desai previously worked as a radio jockey for My FM and Radio Mirchi, and has also appeared on Comedy Nights Bachao, a Indian comedy reality show. In addition to his work on television and radio, Desai has also acted in a number of films, including Ventilator, Chor Bani Thangaat Kare, and Made in China.

In addition to his acting and comedy career, Desai is also an avid gamer and has started a gaming channel on YouTube. He is always looking for new opportunities to expand his horizons and has begun writing and curating long-form content for web series and movies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Manan Desai?

Manan Desai is a 37 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Vadodara.

Is Manan Desai single?

No, Manan Desai is currently in a relationship with Vidya Manan Desai. As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Manan Desai?

As of Jun 2024, Manan Desai is 37 years old.

Who is Manan Desai's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Manan Desai is currently married to Vidya Manan Desai.

Who is Manan Desai's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Manan Desai is currently married to Vidya Manan Desai.

Where is Manan Desai originally from??

Manan Desai is originally from Vadodara but does his stand up shows all over India.