Jeeveshu Ahluwalia

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia

48 (Born 1976)
PartnerSanjoni Sethi ()
Years Active2014 - present

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia

Javed Akhtar ko beat karde ye

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is a 48 year old, Indian , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2014. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is currently married to Sanjoni Sethi.

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia's Standup Comedy Videos

About Jeeveshu Ahluwalia

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is a popular stand-up comedian who is known for his sharp and witty humor. He has a unique style of comedy that is based on his observations of everyday life. Over the years, he has performed at over 1500 shows in India and abroad, and has made appearances in several TV commercials, TV shows, and Bollywood films. He is a versatile comedian who can adapt to different audiences and settings, and is known for his clean, family-friendly comedy. In addition to his stand-up acts, Jeeveshu is also a writer, actor, and voice-over artist. He is a valuable addition to any event, and is sure to leave the audience laughing and entertained with his hilarious jokes and one-liners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia?

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is a 48 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Delhi.

Is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia single?

No, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is currently in a relationship with Sanjoni Sethi. As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia?

As of Jun 2024, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is 48 years old.

Who is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is currently married to Sanjoni Sethi.

Who is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is currently married to Sanjoni Sethi.

Where is Jeeveshu Ahluwalia originally from??

Jeeveshu Ahluwalia is originally from Delhi but does his stand up shows all over India.