Deep Vaidya

Deep Vaidya

33 (Born 1991)
PartnerNidhi Bhatt ()
Years Active2015 - present
Collective The Comedy Factory (2015 -)

Deep Vaidya

Deep Vaidya is a 33 year old, Indian , , based out of . He has been active in the comedy scene from 2015. He does his comedy mostly in and his jokes are broadly in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Deep Vaidya is currently married to Nidhi Bhatt .

Deep Vaidya's Standup Comedy Videos

About Deep Vaidya

Deep Vaidya, also known as Nautanki Deep, is a multifaceted talent in the Indian comedy scene. Based in Vadodara, India, he’s a stand-up comedian, actor, and the Production Head of The Comedy Factory. Let’s explore his journey, achievements, and unique style.

A Master of Comedy and Production 🎬

Deep Vaidya’s role as the Production Head of The Comedy Factory is central to his career. With a Master’s Degree in Human Resources, he oversees and manages the company’s productions, blending his managerial skills with his passion for comedy.

  • Education: MBA in Human Resources Management, ITM Group of Institutions
  • Production Head: The Comedy Factory, since July 2015
  • Theatrical Skills: Known for high-energy theatrics and character portrayal

The Man Behind the Laughter 🎭

Deep’s expertise isn’t limited to production; he’s also a skilled performer. His ability to bring characters to life on stage, coupled with his observational humor, makes him a beloved figure in the comedy scene.

  • Stage Presence: Energetic and engaging
  • Content Creation: Active on Instagram as @nautankideep
  • YouTube Channel: Started on August 28, 2014

Personal Life and Interests 🏍️

When not working, Deep can often be found riding his motorcycle and contemplating material for his stand-up routines. His personal life also includes his wife, Nidhi Bhatt, and his strong connection to Vadodara, Gujarat.

  • Hobbies: Motorcycle riding, thinking about comedy material
  • Birthdate: November 17th, Scorpio
  • Birthplace: Vadodara, India, Gujarat

Conclusion: A Comedic Force to Reckon With 🌟

Deep Vaidya’s combination of production expertise, performance skills, and engaging personality makes him a valuable asset to The Comedy Factory and the entertainment industry at large. His ability to infuse energy into his characters and his dedication to his craft sets him apart as a unique talent. Deep’s journey from a student of Human Resources to a comedy sensation is an inspiring tale of passion, creativity, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Deep Vaidya?

Deep Vaidya is a 33 year old, Male Indian Stand up Comedian based in Vadodara.

Is Deep Vaidya single?

No, Deep Vaidya is currently in a relationship with Nidhi Bhatt. As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Deep Vaidya?

As of Jun 2024, Deep Vaidya is 33 years old.

Who is Deep Vaidya's wife ?

As of Jun 2024, Deep Vaidya is currently married to Nidhi Bhatt.

Who is Deep Vaidya's girlfriend ?

As of Jun 2024, Deep Vaidya is currently married to Nidhi Bhatt.

Where is Deep Vaidya originally from??

Deep Vaidya is originally from Vadodara but does his stand up shows all over India.