Anshita Koul

Anshita Koul

19 (Born 2005)
PartnerNukul Suri ()
Years Active2015 - present

Anshita Koul

Anshita Koul is a 19 year old, Indian , based out of . She has been active in the comedy scene since 2015. She does her comedy mostly in and her jokes are broadly , in nature.
As of Jun 2024, Anshita Koul is currently married to Nukul Suri.

Anshita Koul's Standup Comedy Videos

About Anshita Koul

Anshita Koul is a multi-talented individual who wears many hats. In addition to working as a freelance writer and tour guide, Koul is also an actor and stand-up comedian. She refers to herself as a “queen of all trades and master of fun,” and her varied pursuits reflect her diverse interests and passions.

In her free time, Koul enjoys dancing randomly, overthinking, and talking about herself in the second person. These quirks, along with her natural charisma and sense of humor, have helped her build a loyal following on YouTube, where her subscribers are affectionately known as “Paglets.”

If you’re looking for a hilarious and relatable guide to navigate the ups and downs of life, Koul is the perfect companion. Her YouTube channel is filled with fun vlogs, stand-up comedy routines, and all sorts of other entertaining content. So if you want to join Team Paglets and join Koul on this roller coaster ride called life, be sure to hit subscribe and press the bell icon to stay up to date with all of her latest adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Anshita Koul?

Anshita Koul is a 19 year old, Female Indian Stand up Comedian based in Cologne.

Is Anshita Koul single?

No, Anshita Koul is currently in a relationship with Nukul Suri. As of Jun 2024, They are Married.

How old is Anshita Koul?

As of Jun 2024, Anshita Koul is 19 years old.

Who is Anshita Koul's husband?

As of Jun 2024, Anshita Koul is currently married to Nukul Suri.

Who is Anshita Koul's boyfriend?

As of Jun 2024, Anshita Koul is currently married to Nukul Suri.

Where is Anshita Koul originally from??

Anshita Koul is originally from Cologne but does her stand up shows all over India.