Non Fiction Shows

Total Shows: 3

Disco Dancer A Comedy In Five Acts 0 (0)" title="Disco Dancer: A Comedy In Five Acts (Anuvab Pal) 0 (0)" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 312w, 188w" sizes="(max-width: 312px) 100vw, 312px" />

 OTT platform iconDisco Dancer: A Comedy In Five Acts (Anuvab Pal) 0 (0)

In the history of world cinema, there will be few films where you can hear the words ‘come ... Read more

Feb 17, 2011 |
One Year of Stand up Comedy Journey in India Jagdish Chaturvedi 0 (0)" title="One Year of Stand up Comedy : Journey in India (Jagdish Chaturvedi ) 0 (0)" decoding="async" srcset=" 313w, 188w" sizes="(max-width: 313px) 100vw, 313px" />

 OTT platform iconOne Year of Stand up Comedy : Journey in India (Jagdish Chaturvedi ) 0 (0)

When Jagdish Chaturvedi, a doctor-turned-innovator-turned-author, could not balance his schedule effectively to perform as an actor, he chose ... Read more

Mar 9, 2018 |
VOTE FOR PANT But Dont Paperback – 5 May 2022 0 (0)" title="VOTE FOR PANT But, Don’t (Sorabh Pant) 0 (0)" decoding="async" srcset="–-5-May-2022.webp 313w,–-5-May-2022-188x300.webp 188w" sizes="(max-width: 313px) 100vw, 313px" />

 OTT platform iconVOTE FOR PANT But, Don’t (Sorabh Pant) 0 (0)

Do not vote for comedian Sorabh Pant. He is irrelevant, insignificant and has no knowledge or insights about ... Read more

May 5, 2022 |